
From talking to residents at Mountbatten Close about how we let our vacant homes, we have a process in place that we hope will give you some reassurance. As you know as a Social Landlord we work closely with Sandwell Homes and have over the years formed a working relationship with them. We always complete our own background checks on all customers being put forward for housing at our schemes, these checks include but are not limited to interviews, document checks, right to rent and references. If these are unsatisfactory we will act upon this information. We also take into account the nature of the residents that are currently living in one block, prior to letting an empty property.  We all recognise that moving into a new property can bring its challenges, and part of what we do at the sign up is to make sure that they understand our expectations of being  a good neighbour and  their tenancy obligations. We are open to residents at Mountbatten Close advising us if they know of anyone who is in need of a property, as this is something that we may be able to help with too, you can contact your CRM, Tom Cannon and he will be happy to help you.

Car Parking

We understand that car parking can be a sensitive issue for our residents and that car parking is very limited at Mountbatten Close. It would be helpful if residents could be mindful of this.  If there is a car that has been suspected abandoned and is not taxed, we are able to report this to Sandwell Council who can collect the vehicle.

If you have concerns about a neighbour’s parking, you might find it useful to speak to your neighbour in order to reach an amicable agreement they may not know it is causing a problem. Sometimes residents see cars that do not have an up to date MOT, are not taxed before we do if this is the case then please let Tom Cannon know we will try and contact the owner to get a resolution.

Fly tipping

As you are aware due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our staff have been unable to be on site as much as we would like. Thankfully, we are now able to become more proactive again with fly tipping as our new grounds maintenance contract has begun following the withdrawal from Ames. If you do witness an item being left outside, or inside the bin store (not bagged up in put in a bin), could you please contact Tom so this can be looked into. If you do have a large item, you can either request Sandwell Council to collect as part of their bulky item collection service, or you can dispose of the item by visiting the local tip on Shidas Lane, Oldbury.

If you have any concerns or queries surrounding these, please feel free to Tom Cannon on 0121 289 3913 and he will be able to help you.