Hate crime can be described as any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on a personal (protected) characteristic.

  • Personal (protected) characteristics

    Characteristics include:   

    • disability;
    • race or ethnicity;
    • religion or beliefs;
    • sexual orientation;
    • transgender identity.
  • Examples of hate crime
    • name calling or verbal abuse;
    • graffiti or abusive writing;
    • damage to property;
    • threats or intimidation;
    • bullying or harassment;
    • physical attacks or violence.
  • BCHG's hate crime commitments
    • Provide a victim centric approach with hate crime incidents
    • Telephone appointment or home visit to be booked within 24 hours
    • Help victims to report hate crime incidents
    • Work alongside the Police to ensure relevant action is taken against perpetrators including legal remedies
    • Remove hate crime graffiti on our estates within 48 hours
    • Use restorative justice where it is appropriate.

How to report hate crime

Emergency situation

Call the Police on 999 (take crime reference number/ log number)

Non-emergency situation

  • Call the Police on 101 (take crime reference number/ log number)
  • Report it in person at your local police station or local third party reporting centre
  • Report it online - https://www.report-it.org.uk/ (victims and witnesses)

Victim Support Hate Crime Toolkit

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