Dr Abigail Robson
Dr Abigail Robson Chair

Abigail is an experienced governance expert, and was previously a senior manager in local government in housing policy, practice and development. Her professional background is as a quantity surveyor.

Nigel Wright
Nigel Wright

Nigel is a multi-sector independent Non-Executive Director, business owner and social entrepreneur. He brings broad commercial and digital expertise to the Board.

Amanda Tomlinson
Amanda Tomlinson

Amanda has been Chief Executive of Black Country Housing Group since 2013 and has a professional background in Finance. Amanda is Executive Board Member and holds a number of Non-Executive roles in other organisations.

Lorna Wallace-Davis
Lorna Wallace-Davis Senior Independent Director & Chair of Remuneration, Nominations & People Committee

Lorna began her career as a social worker and currently runs her own company providing culture change, facilitation, training and executive coaching in the public, housing and independent sectors.

Gareth Price
Gareth Price

Gareth currently works for Trident Group, responsible for leading on property development, asset investment and delivery of the sustainable homes programme.

Kevin Davis
Kevin Davis

Kevin is a social entrepreneur and Group Chief Executive of the Vine Trust. Kevin is an experienced Board Member in the health and education sectors, and social mobility champion.

Susan Brooksbank-Taylor
Susan Brooksbank-Taylor

Sue has 30 years’ experience in the social housing, homelessness, wellbeing and recovery sectors, including CEO, Chair and Board Director roles.

Nick Simkiss
Nicholas Simkins

Nick is a retired audit partner and qualified accountant with an excellent understanding of corporate governance and risk management. Nick brings board member and Audit Committee chair experience as well as commercial and business knowledge and experience.